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Seed Treatments

Do you already know the new technology of organic seeds? This new innovation comes from Holland. With more than 1,000 hectares planted for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and watermelons in Europe.


RonoBoost is a seed treatment procedure that stimulates the natural properties of a crop and optimizes its biological potency giving rise to many benefits such as:

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Benefits of RonoBoost

Higher yield

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Lower energy costs

Less economic damage by virusses

Reduced need for chemicals

Better light absorption in the plant

  • Utilizing space more efficiently with leaves.

  • Allowing deeper sun light penetration and a better cooling effect.

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Less fungi

  • Reduction in fluid accumulation in the crop results in a delayed infection pressure of fungi.

  • More horizontal leaves are easier to cover fully with spray.

  • Growers experience an improved result of the biological crop protection.

Higher production +
Healthier and drier microclimate

  • The RonoBoost plants are naturally more balanced and do not struggle as much  with changes in climate.

  • The vigour and ability to self-controle in the direction of the fruit ensures that EC/pH remains more stable.

  • Fertilizer is absorbed more easily.

  • Minimum water temperature can be lower.

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More uniform fruits, as a result:
less power consuption

  • RonoBoost plants exhibit more generative fruit set, which result in:

    • More uniform fruits​

    • Better fruit quality

    • Natural plant balance

    • Better development of plants with lower CO2 levels

    • Option for lower input of energy

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RonoBoost Research centre

Bioboost research centre | Benjamin Vermeer

Bioboost research centre | Benjamin Vermeer

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